A group of BVFoE members campaigned at Princes Mead shopping centre in Farnborough on Saturday 20th April 2024 ahead of the upcoming local elections. The aim of the day was to hand out cards asking voters to question candidates and elected Councillors on their stance on a number of locally important climate and nature issues.
Visitors to our stall were also invited to complete two surveys. The first of these surveys asked them to rank the 7 issues outlined on the election cards (see headline article) The second survey was asking them to demonstrate their concern about climate change on a scale of 0 – 10. The results were as follows:
Survey 1:
- The loss of our green spaces, mature trees and wildlife 25.8%
- The lack of priority tackling carbon emissions and climate change 25.8%
2. Poor local air quality, which exceeds World Health Organisation safe limits 12.9 %
2. Difficulties getting around the Borough by cycling, walking, wheeling and public transport 12.9%
3. Water quality in our streams and rivers 9.6%
3. The increasing noise from Farnborough Airport 9.6%
4. Warm homes 3.1%
Survey 2:
This survey revealed that 72% of participants were extremely concerned about climate change. A further 16% were concerned and 10% had minor concerns.
BVFoE would like to thank the many local residents who took time to participate in our survey and engage in conversation with us. We would also like to thank the management of Princes Mead for kindly allowing us to set up our stall in a great location.