The second reading of the Climate and Nature Bill is happening on the 24th July. As far as we know of our 5 MPs in the Blackwater Valley area the two Lib Dem MPs have shown commitment to support the bill. Alex Brewer and Al Pinkerton.
According to Zero Hour UK we need over 100 MPs to support the 2nd reading. It is very hard to work out why any MP would not vote for the bill to go through. BVFoE have done their best to contact each of the 5 MPs to ask them to support the bill and give them the Friends of the Earth report. So far we have only managed to touch base with 1 of the 5 MPs and this is the Labour MP for Peter Swallow. However this morning we visit Alex Baker MP for Aldershot and will be able to discuss the bill with her.
The Zero Hours Coalition show that 196 MPs are supporting the bill we have the opportunity to have a final push to get this bill past its second reading.
Update from North Hampshire
On the 18th January we heard that BVFoE Hart members had presented Alex Brewer MP with the FoE climate book . She is going to be in the House of Commons for the Climate & Nature Bill a week Friday and is very very supportive . She said “you’re pushing at an open door here “😀
We now also know that Alex Baker supports the Bill and will also be in the House of Commons that day.